[2024][德国][冒险记录片]《仙境 - 从童年梦想到全球成功 / Wunderland》
◎影片片名: 仙境 - 从童年梦想到全球成功 / Wunderland
◎德国片名: Wunderland
◎影片导演: Sabine Howe
◎影片主演: Sebastian Drechsler / Gerrit Braun / Frederik Braun
◎影片分类: 记录片 / 冒险
◎影片地区: 德国
◎上映年份: 2024-03-07(德国)
◎影片时长: 90分钟
◎IMDb编码: tt29245904
◎影片备注: 超清中字
With lavish Cinemascope shots, Hamburg's »Miniatur Wunderland« comes to life on the big screen. When twin brothers Frederik and Gerrit Braun realized their lifelong dream in 2000, they had no idea what they would create: the »Miniatur Wunderland« not only became the largest model railroad in the world, but also one of the biggest public attractions in Europe with 1.4 million vi...
『仙境 - 从童年梦想到全球成功』云播Y线:(M3u8高清资源线路,备用线路请避免高峰时间观看。提示:请勿信视频中的水印广告、网址!)
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